An Ode to Time
I yelled at grandfather clock today
Because he gave me vast stretches to fill I didn’t know what to do
Then he told me that I couldn’t have yesterday back
And so I sat at grandfather clocks feet and I cried
I cried because he gave me so much but he didn’t give her enough
Because 8 was too young
And I’m starting to forget her apartment and the scent of her…
I cried because 13 was too young when grandfather clock once again talked to God and told him to call her home and the golden gates swung open to embrace one more
That day I shouted at the sky because
she had promised to show me the world
And her smile promised that i could always just call
But hourglasses perpetually run out and promises were made to be broken
That day grandfather clock took my hand and told me that all good things must come to an end
And that all good things exist at the point of a needle
At the corner of the universe
On the bottom of reality
On the sole of sense
Where love letter paper planes can take you to Venus
Through clouds of calamity
Over monstrous mountains of baggage
Past Hades’ abysmal heraldings
To her land of milk and honey
And grandfather clock can’t touch us there
With his devouring impermanence
His insidious existence
Venus will hold us
Because somewhere between the end and corner of the cosmos
There is a love that transcends time