Love Poems
In searching for the space between everything,
I have found nothing really.
Nothing but a pair of kind eyes and your steady breath
Your soft voice, but only when you speak to me,
and two hands made for making me feel still.
Habits that drive me to insanity, but yet I adore.
You are my stillness, my quiet, my calm,
what exists between everything.
If I had a quarter for every time you made me laugh,
I swear I’d be writing from my palace.
And although I don’t,
I am just as wealthy
< 3.
Can you tell me how I ended up here?
Where memory fails me there is a jumble of pictures making up my being.
Can you tell me how the moments lined up just right for you and I
to be standing here in front of each other,
swimming in the blue light that is your smile and the only thing I know
for certain is my name.
Everything else I seem to forget.
But I do not seem to desire anything more than your company on this
august morning.
Bless the sun on days when blessings fall short.
Bless your laughter on days when the sun sleeps in.
And my dear, bless you for being my blessing.