Rag doll
I am under the waves and the weeds have tied knots around my ankles
I can see the world distorted and rippling above me as pinpoint bubbles escape my lungs
My arms lack purpose as they dangle like the appendages of a rag doll by my side.
I miss the feeling of sunshine on my face,
and the stinkbug that does laps around my bed frame,
I miss your fingertips and summer clothes.
I wonder if the tide will drag me out to where there is no swimming to shore,
Spit me out on a distant island and crack my skin under the sun
I wonder if wild dogs will make use of my rag doll flesh,
or leave me for the worms.
Or maybe like salvation the weeds will release me and I’ll simply walk home
Perhaps I’ll be patient until you notice I’m no longer here,
I don’t know what will happen to my body or my mind as each day elapses.
In this eternal blue I will watch the sky above me,
remembering what life once was.
Deeply, I am sorry for slipping away.